Its pretty awesome when something totally unexpected drops into your inbox. This certain something is a nice little duet from Gordon Wood and Katie Thomas, entitled "Crazy 'bout you just the same".
So what's it all about, well "Crazy 'bout you" is a rootsy laid back ballad that comes out in the new year, on January 3rd to be precise and having taken several listens to the track, I get the feeling that it could have come from another era altogether. It certainly has the feeling of a bygone age, a much simpler time, which is very refreshing in 2022/23
So what do I mean by that, well, music production in 2022 is very much about layers of music, layers of samples, ear candy and everything that producers think a listener wants to hear, squeezed into a 3 minute song. But sometimes, the simpler things in life sound just as sweet to the ear.
If you take a listen when the song comes out, you will hear it for yourself, It has none of the trappings of "modern production with all the samples and layers of nonsense that producers have at their disposal these days. Its a good honest song played by real musicians and that's exactly how it sounds too. Listening to the track, it felt that I had found myself in a basement club, watching and listening to a 5 piece combo on darkly lit stage playing for the sheer pleasure of playing music. Its just feels so organic, especially the violin solo in the middle of the song. Quite delightful.
There are notable instrumental credits too on the track, these include Gordon Wood himself on lead vocals, acoustic guitar and bass with Katie Thomas duetting on lead vocals.
The rest of the musical talent is as follows: Jack Penny on electric guitar; Sam Draper on violin and Paul Arthurs on drums. The track was written by Gordon Wood and it was produced by Martin Mitchell and Gordon Wood.
Recorded by Martin Mitchell, Instant Music, Cheltenham, Glos
The track is out on January 3rd 2023
The single is due for release on Spotify and all major streaming platforms in January - But, if you want to check it out now, it's already available @